March 16, 2023
(12:00 AM)
(12:00 AM)
We are accepting nominations for 3 award winners:
- Volunteer of the Year
- Criteria: Recognized for consistent time and effort contributing to the chambers’ activities, who has done something extraordinary for the activities of the Carolina foothills Chamber of Commerce as a volunteer.
- Business Owner(s) of the Year
- Criteria: An individual who runs an established business or tax-exempt or not-for-profit organization that generates revenues, pays salaries and functions as a business, has operated for a generous period of time, participates in the community activities, is well respected by fellow businesses and not a current chamber board member.
- Duke Energy Citizenship and Service Award
- Criteria: Individuals who make the commitment to help others are essential links in bringing our communities closer together. This award pays tribute to individuals who use their time, talent and compassion to positively affect the lives with others in their communities or in the workplace. Recipients of the award help foster a culture of citizenship and service that acts as a catalyst for others to become involved in civic and social activities
Please submit (by March 3rd) who you feel is worthy of an award and we will honor those individuals in March 2023.
Location: The luncheon has been cancelled
Contact: Chamber of Commerce