September 25, 2021
(9:00 AM-8:00 PM)
Celebrate a day of fun & music with a community food drive and a 4-Town Poker Run! (Register using the “online registration or ticket purchase” link below.)
Our Generous Sponsors Facebook Page
Raffle Palooza! Be sure to purchase your raffle tickets for some fantastic prizes. We will be drawing tickets all day so there are multiple chances for you to win! 1 ticket for $10; 6 for $50; 12 for $100
Feed the Foothills website for additional information
Cost: Poker Run $25 P/P or $20 with canned good(s); Music Festival Free admission with a canned good(s) donation
Online Registration or Ticket Purchase
Location: Harmon Field, 117 Harmon Field Rd, Tryon, NC
Contact: Don Borreson