(11:30 AM-1:00 PM)
Join us from 12 – 1 pm. You can bring your lunch or indulge in some light snacks provided by Costco.
NCWorks is coming to speak to us about all the wonderful FREE services they provide to businesses in North Carolina. Here are just a few:
- Recruiting talent
- Employee training programs
- Analyze the labor market
- Area and industry profiles
- Online learning resources
- Tax cuts for businesses
- and more!
This is a great opportunity to expand your business. Most importantly, with their training programs you can learn how to gain and retain better employees.
You will need to register for this event! Please enter information below to let us know you will be there.
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Cost: FREE
Location: 2753 Lynn Rd, Tryon, NC – Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Stephanie Junge