(6:00 PM-8:00 PM)
Recent research shows that some of the top worries for small business owners are attracting new customers, managing cash flow and finding great employees. We also hear these concerns from our membership and are here to help you thrive in this challenging business climate.
We are pleased to announce that we will be co-hosting a series of business seminars with the local SCORE Chapter. The February 21st session will be held at the ICC Polk Campus, starting at 6:00 pm. This first seminar will:
- Dive into your top business challenges
- Provide practical advice on how to tackle these issues, and
- Share mentoring resources available via the local Polk County team
We guarantee you’ll walk away with three-four ideas to explore further. We are here to help you thrive as a small business owner and are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the SCORE Team.
This month’s SCORE Workshop facilitators are skilled in digital marketing, employee recruitment and retention, business strategies. We will also have finance expertise on site.
Registration is FREE. Sign-up now!
Cost: FREE
Event Details
Online Registration or Ticket Purchase
Location: Isothermal Community College, Polk Campus
Contact: Stephanie Junge