A Well-Mannered Pup, LLC is offering the following classes starting in the month of August.
Puppy Class is where the journey of dog parenting begins with a goal of having a well-balanced and secure puppy. Class will focus on introducing puppy to new sights, sounds and smells in a controlled environment that will create positive associations. We will work on socialization to people and other dogs through play. We’ll also focus on handling that will make vet and grooming visits a breeze for you and your dog. Solutions for challenges around housebreaking, biting, chewing and barking will be discussed. The beginnings of basic cues of sit, stay, down, come, “leave it” and “with me” (leash walking) will be taught using positive reinforcement methods. Classes will be small and FUN. This is a 5-week class, with one hour sessions. The cost is $125. Class will start Thursday, August 22 – September 19 from 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Basic Manners/Obedience is the essential foundation by which all well-mannered pups are built. These are the steps that improve communication and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Knowledge of basic obedience commands creates a dog that is enjoyable to be around. It also keeps dogs safe and happy in their homes. The Basic Manners Class will teach basic cues of sit, stay, down, come, “leave it” and leash walking using positive reinforcement methods. Through these cues, your dog will learn to be calm, to focus and pay attention, and to practice impulse-control. Basic problem behaviors such as jumping and barking will also be covered. Classes will be small and FUN. This is a 5-week class, with one hour sessions. The cost is $125. Class will start Thursday, August 22 – September 19 from 6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Charm School/Advance Obedience Class is where we take our show on the road! Classes will be held at Flat Rock Park and locations within the community. In this class we continue to work on our cues of sit, stay, down, come, “leave it” and “with me,” (leash walking). We will improve our distance, duration, distraction, and delivery of reinforcement (the Four Ds). This class is a lot of fun, where we use the real world environment to strengthen our handling skill as humans and our dog’s ability to focus and pay attention. This is a 5-week class, with one hour sessions. The cost is $125. Dogs must have completed a Basic Obedience class in the past 12 months. Class will start Tuesday, August 20 – Tuesday, September 24 at 6 p.m.
For more information, call 828-233-5489 today for more information and to register. Email: [email protected]. Website: wellmanneredpup.com