September 25, 2019-September 25, 2019
(2:00 PM-5:00 PM)
This workshop, the final one of our September series, will teach the discipline of non-polarizing attitudes and words about the political “other”. (Note: this is a three-hour workshop).

Too often we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our fellow citizens who support the other political party, its leaders, and its policies. Nowadays,people on the other side have become not just strangers but enemies. How we talk among ourselves about them fuels fires that threaten our
democracy. What if we learn the discipline of non-polarizing attitudes and words about the political “Other” with whom we do share a national past and future?
Join workshop moderator, Del Kimbler, who will:
Help you become more aware of polarization inside and between us
Teach skills for being critical without demonizing, dismissing, or stereotyping the people who differ from you politically
Help you learn how to intervene in a constructive way in social conversations that veer into contempt and ridicule for people who hold other political views
Better Angels is a national nonprofit with a mission to depolarize America. Its leadership is half “red” and half “blue.” Learn more at www.better-angels.org.
Depolarizing Within is part of the CommUnity Conversations series sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Carolina Foothills (UUFCF) and the United Congregational Church (UCC) and is made possible by the generous support of ParsecFinancial Wealth Management.
This will be a popular workshop, and seating is limited, so please RSVP to 828-513-0570.
Location: The Tryon Depot, 22 Depot St, Tryon, NC 28782
Contact: Better Angels