Why Are Donations Needed?
‘Feed the Foothills’ has been organized by the Carolina Foothills Chamber of Commerce to create awareness of Food Insecurity in our region and assist Operation Hope, ThermalBelt Outreach, Roseland Community Center, Steps to H.O.P.E. and Pop Up Pantry to serve families in need. The events at Harmon Field on Saturday, September 24th are intended to collect non-perishable food to re-stock their Food Pantry inventory, but all five organizations need financial support to operate and distribute food and supplies to at-risk households. The Foothills Chamber is equipped to transfer both food and funding to each facility through ‘Feed the Foothills’.
To Donate Money:
There are two ways to donate; by check and by credit card. Either way, please click The Chamber, our partnering charities and the families they serve thank you!
To Donate Food:
Please join us on Saturday, September 24th at Harmon Field, 299 Harmon Field Road, Tryon, NC for ‘Feed the Foothills’ ! Bring any non-perishable food item and you will receive FREE ADMISSION to the Harmon Field Music Festival that day from 2pm – 8pm! (Else $5.00)
What Else Is Needed?
One of the ways the Foothills Chamber is raising money for those in need is by staging “Raffle-Palooza” at the Harmon Field Music Festival on Saturday, September 24th. To buy tickets for the Raffle in advance, please call the Chamber at (828) 859-6236 or email Patty, and we’ll arrange for you to receive them. There will also be plenty of Chamber volunteers selling Raffle-Palooza tickets at Harmon Field that day, so play to win – and Good Luck!
If you have an appealing high-value prize to Donate to the Raffle-Palooza prize pool, please call the Chamber at (828) 859-6236 or email Patty and we’ll handle those arrangements.
For more information about the event, be sure to also see our Feed the Foothills website.